- File Submission Methods
Web Upload
Fill in ALL blanks and place order information in the ‘message’ box.
Select your files to upload, then click ‘Send It’ button.
Thank You
Use the following resources for physical file delivery:
Thumb Drive / Disk Mailing:
Amerasource Sublimation Services
6025 Stage Rd
Suite 42116
Memphis, Tn 38134
Please send to:
*Make sure your files are set-up correctly
- Files Formats
TIFF (Preferred File Type)
JPG (High Resolution Images only)
PSD (Adobe Photoshop)
EPS (Encapsulated postscript)
PDF (Adobe Photoshop)
- Resolution
All files should be 300 DPI (200 DPI minimum for larger images) * Digital photos should be taken at 4 mega-pixels or greater to provide the largest dpi possible. (Most cell phone images are not ideal)
- Color space
All files submitted should be in RGB color upon delivery. *
- F.Y.I
All files must be 100% of output size desired. (i.e: 6x6 product / transfer is produced from a 6x6 image)*
To preserve your fonts: rasterize, convert to outlines or send fonts used.
For Readability, type text should be 12 point minimum
When sending files via the internet (e-mail, FTP, 3rd party) file compression such as Winrar / Winzip is highly suggested to assist reducing file size and assuring file integrity by reducing the chance corruption.
* If supplied files do not meet our specifications, additional fees will apply. Design work is billed at $65 per hour. We will contact prior to doing any work or adjustments.
If client desires rendering with submitted artwork “as-is”, Amerasource Sublimation Services will not be held liable for outcome of reproduction.